I may need more
friends. I get enough holiday cards and
can usually find someone to talk to, but I feel that I am somehow missing
out. I made a few friends growing up,
then some more in college, and then many special people when I lived and worked
in the Minneapolis
community. The problem is I met most of
my dear friends before the Internet explosion.
They are a fine, loyal, and irreverent lot and certainly better than I
deserve, but I do not think my circle is providing me with a full range of the
spectrum of e-mail attachments.
I am receiving
some of the very clever anti-Bush cartoons from my politically active friends,
and I do get many of the signage photos like “Bridge Out Slow to 60” from my
sardonic peers. Still I see the stuff
being passed via You Tube by admittedly younger, hipper acquaintances and my
friends are just light-years behind.
Granted I do not even know how to copy an attachment to send to twenty
people, but when I was making life-long friends, who knew the ability to cull interesting
snippets from cyberspace would be soimportant?
Every day I get countless
Rogaine and Viagra ads (which JoAnne claims she has nothing to do with) dumped
in my in box. Between that and the
insipid quasi-personal notes from someone named Martinique or Gladys that say
“Let’s get back in touch” it is rare to
receive an attachment picturing a bulldozer sinking in a swamp. I like hearing how my friends are doing, but
the photo collage sequence of Madonna morphing into Mick Jagger is what you buy
a computer for. My friends are pretty
good about finding the photos of a long line of traffic brought to a stand-still
by three turtles trudging across the highway, but they are not finding the
edgier stuff.
David Brooks wrote
a particularly humorous Shouts and Murmurs piece in The New Yorker recently
about E-name dropping and status. Brooks
clued me into noticing the other recipients who receive the same correspondence. Since most people do not use blind copy, you
can see who else is receiving it. I tend
to get lumped with grandparents and obscure relatives. Still, the next time I write to others I may
borrow his idea and subtly pad my list of other recipients like bdylan@columbiarec.org and bgates@microsoft.com. Perhaps if my few remaining friends see they
are in the company of nmailer@randomhouse.org,
kannan@UN.org hberry@tristarpictures.net, and gclooney@warnerbros.com they will
send me better stuff.
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